
GideonSoft by

Team Temperature Check

Quick. Efficient. Practical.

The Team Temperature Check is an easy-to-use tool for a leader to get the pulse of his/her team. The report contrasts team members’ assessments of team performance with how the team leader predicts they will answer. The result is a “temperature” check that quickly and accurately measures the health of any team. The report covers seven unique dimensions of team dynamics and is applicable to any team within every organization.

Survey & Report

Each team member anonymously answers 22 questions related to his/her team’s dynamics, while the teamleader answers 28 questions predicting how the team will respond. Next, you'll receive an easy to understand three-page report. Detailed sections reveal key elements that the leader can use to build team dynamics and address performance obstacles.

Team Temperature Score

Team’s perception vs. leader’s prediction

Team Temperature Profile

Team scores for seven dimensions of team performance

Team Temperature Ranking

Compare team’s and leader’s dimension rankings

Important Tasks & Completed Tasks Percentages

Time management and follow through analysis

Team Feedback

Leader guidance for a collective feedback session

Questions for Analysis

Team member recommendations

Impact Factors

Leader questions and actions to generate improvement

Team Temperature Score

Team’s perception vs. leader’s prediction

Team Temperature Profile

Team scores for seven dimensions of team performance

Team Temperature Ranking

Compare team’s and leader’s dimension rankings

Important Tasks & Completed Tasks Percentages

Time management and follow through analysis

Team Feedback

Leader guidance for a collective feedback session

Questions for Analysis

Team member recommendations

Impact Factors

Leader questions and actions to generate improvement